
Archive for the ‘floristry’ Category

This is a long awaited exhibition. Being a flower lover, this is one that I could never miss. When the last one was held in 2008, I had to sadly give it a miss as I was pregnant then and was told not to walk for long distance and stand for long. But the 2 years wait was definitely well worth it. It was an eye-opening exhibition. Beautiful landscapes, impressive flower arrangement and beautiful structures.

However, I only managed to view one floor of the exhibition as I went during my lunch break. Had actually intended to take a half day off but was not able to. I think I have missed out quite a lot as I had no time to see each and every display carefully. But I still managed to take several photographs which I will pick some to show you here.

The lightings there were pretty dim and hence was quite tricky to shoot (at least for beginners like me). Time was really running short throughout, so there was really not much time to think too long for photo composition and not to say enough time to zoom my eyes into all the details of the beautiful art pieces. But luckily, I had got my nice colleague, Christine, to be there to help me with carrying of the bags and tripod and also to help me look out for some nice shooting angles.

All of these shots taken with my 18-55mm/ f3.5-5.6 and 75-300mm/ f4-5.6; most with tripod. I set my WB to auto and adjusted the exposure slightly to prevent overexposure.

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